Monday, 31 March 2008


Can you imagine if monsters really existed? Man that would be SO SCARY.

Have you seen a picture of an oger? I mean they are HUGE.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

80's partys.

If you ever have an 80s party, Michael Jackson is probably the best thing you could play. People get excited about it because Michael Jackson was really cool in the 80s. In fact, I end every party with Michael Jackson. Thriller is my favorite, but I think a lot of people like Bad.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Little league.

Last spring I really wanted to go to some little league games and just sit back and have some beer outside. Who doesnt like to drink some beer outside? But apparently you can't drink at a little league game. I don't see how these parents do it.

Friday, 28 March 2008

Comic books.

I found a box of my old comics, yesterday. It was a great feeling going through all of them. But I didn't realize that I liked Spawn so much. But I don't get it. I don't like Spawn.

Age is a funny thing.

Thursday, 27 March 2008


I've had a lot of screennames but I've been using PoolSharkGuy20 for long time. When I made it I used to really like pool (the game), but I don't really want to get another one (even though I don't play pool anymore).

Before that I had a couple different ones like waaazzzaaa (like that commercial), Redskinhogg (I like the Redskins), WhiteB2380 (that was my first, Uncle Howie thought it was racist). I had an AOL name too that was wbviolinist, but I never talked to anyone on it.

I thought about changing it to 168lbsofPuddin, but I didn't have the heart.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

The sioux.

When I was in High school I used to think that calling people an "Indian giver" was really funny. I would pretend I got hit by an arrow and yell "IT'S THE SIOUX!!!" then I would die.
I did that for the first time at Scoops (Scoops is an ice cream store, like an ice cream scoop) when this girl gave me her ice cream then took it back. So thats when I did it. Everyone laughed alot about it. Heh. I'll still do that sometimes. I think it's funny to yell stuff some times.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Lizard people.

I heard on this radio show last night that some people think that Lizard people control the world. They even say that they live underground, and that's why we never see them.

I hope that's not true. That would be so scary to know if it were true.

My friend john.

I talked to my friend John earlier but he was really hung up on what trailer hitch to get for his truck. I dont know why he thinks I care about that.

Heh, also my friends step dad is named John to. His last name is Berger though (My other friends last name is Stanley). Me and John hang out sometimes even if my friend Max (his name is Max, don't know if I mentioned that before.) is not around. We have been to the Bier Garden. A lot of people say thats weird, because he is my friend's step dad. But I don't get that.

So weird that I have two friends named John.

Saturday, 22 March 2008


I meant to post something yesterday, but I forgot to.

Sorry abotu that.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

March madness.

I don't really get into March Madness really. I tried to do a bracket last year on facebook, but I didn't do it right (It said I picked Marquette to win, how did that happen?). I wish UVA could win this year. But since they aren't in any of the games, I don't think they can. Maybe one team will get killed, and UVA can replace them. That would be a good idea for a movie

Wednesday, 19 March 2008


I've driven a few cars. My first car was a green Ford Explorer that we (my friends and I) called Superman. We called him that because I backed into a really big ditch. We cleaned it up and then it worked just fine. Here's a picture of it:
After that, I drove my brother's blue Mustang, but then I backed that into a Tahoe. I drive a Jetta now. It's a sensable car for a man who works.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Omega virus.

When I was little I used to always play Omega Virus at Gregory's house. The game would always say all sorts of this mean stuff to you in a robot voice while you were playing it. It was cool. I wonder if he still has it. He probably does.

Greg always wanted me to play Heroquest with him too, which I guess is like a Lord of the Rings kind of thing. I never wanted to because it seemed like a nerd thing. I bet Greg still has that game to.

Monday, 17 March 2008

St patricks day.

I always wear green on St Patricks day even though I'm not Irish. I am Catholic though. So I guess thats something to celebrate. Even though I can't ever marry a girl who is not Catholic. I guess that makes sense though.

I know some places die there beer green. Thats a pretty fun idea, but I would never do it to a pint of Olde Coast. It would feek kind of like putting pets in halloween costumes.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Hamilton sandwich.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but Hamilton is my cat. He just kept coming around the house so we kept him. I named him Ham Sandwich at first, but my mom didnt like that. I guess his full name would be Hamilton Sandwich then.

When we took him to the vet, we found out that Hamilton was not a boy. But we just kept the name anyway. I couldn't think of a ladys name that relates to food. She doesn't mind that she has a boys name though. A cat doesn't know any better.

Saturday, 15 March 2008


I wonder when stairs first started. I mean, that seems like a pretty complex idea. I wouldn't think of it if I had never seen stairs before.

I was thinking that when I went up some stairs today.

Friday, 14 March 2008


I know I have mentioned him before, but Gregory is my cousin of 23 years. He lives in Smithfield. Sometimes I take my boat to his house, its a nice trip. We also play XBox live together.

Our parents plotted our births together, but Gregory got born first. Which is okay. He is not much older than I am.

Gregory used to collect crystal dragons. I'm not sure if he wants people to know that or not though.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

South park.

So new episodes started of South Park last night. I can't wait for the DVDs so I can hear the commentaries. I own all the others already.

Wednesday, 12 March 2008


I'm working on a ship right now and the captain's name is Dragutin. He's croatian.

Croatia must be a weird country. I bet that their number 1 occupation is dragon hunting

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Uncle howie.

Never take one of my Uncle Howie's Pepsis.

Monday, 10 March 2008

The pool.

A few years ago my mom decided to put a pool in our backyard. We can't swim in it right now (since its winter) but in the summer its pretty great. Once, I watched a movie in it.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Bier garden.

I know that I have mentioned Bier Garden before and I think I should just clear things up about it. Bier Garden is where I go to get beers with friends ("Bier" is just German for "Beer"). Sometimes I go just watch some sports.

Besides the beer, they have great schnitzel bites. Mmm mmm!

Friday, 7 March 2008

Happy birthday.

Since this is my blog and all, I thought I would wish myself happy birthday. I don't feel any different. Thank god I get tonight off from work, the ships never stop coming in.

Thursday, 6 March 2008


Richie told me today that Kris took a four day weekend for a second time in a month. He went to Amsterdam.

I hear the ladies there will put on a show with donkies for 30 euro. Thats awesome. I wouldn't mind seeing that.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008


I used to like wrestleing a lot when I was little. My favorite was Goldberg. He was unstoppable.

The announcers would always yell WILL THE STREAK EVER END!? I think it did eventually, which is a shame.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Room over the garage.

So I spend most of my time in the room over the garage. Theres a nice couch up there and a big HDTV that I play XBox live on. If I ever say that I watched something On Demand, I did it in the room over the garage. Theres also a pool table up there that I used to use a lot. Not so much anymore. I play sometimes though.

I want to knock out a window and build a stairway that leads up here from outside. I would basically live up here.

Monday, 3 March 2008


I get hungry really early. But only if I eat something for breakfast. If I don't eat anything I'm fine. I ate a banana and a granola bar this morning. I'm starving now.

I guess this comes with the territory when it comes to working.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

The wicker man.

I just watched The Wicker Man. Nicolas Cage was not at his best on that one.