Wednesday, 30 April 2008


So Driver got really messed up the other day by a tornado.

I don't think it was a tornado though because Driver is a really weird place. I bet a bunch of zombies came out like in the movies, and then the Suffolk milita had to come in and destroy everything. They are just saying it was a tornado so they don't scare anybody.

I know that if that was true, it would be scary.

I hope theres still Driver Days though, great peanut britle!

Monday, 28 April 2008

Another dream.

I had a dream last night that I met Stephen Malkmus in a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC as I think their called now).

He was eating chicken with his wife and singing along to the Pavement that was on radio that was inside. And I went up to him and talked about stuff and said that it was funy that he was singing along to himself.

It was probably the best dream anyone has ever had.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Lizard people.

I heard on this radio show last night that some people think that Lizard people control the world. They even say that they live underground, and that's why we never see them.

I hope that's not true. That would be so scary to know if it were true.

Friday, 25 April 2008


I was at Bier Garden the other night just sittin at the bar and drinking an Urquell and the bar started to play U2.

I told the guy next to me "Man, U2 is just not good."and he said to me "I think U2 is really great."

That was a really awkward thing that I said to him so I didn't really talk about music anymore.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008


I love pistashios, I could just about eat them all of the time. But after a while they get kind of gross. So I guess not. Still good though.

Monday, 21 April 2008


So there was a squirell in my attic, which is why I thought it might be a ghost. I guess I feel pretty silly about that now.

A squirell should know better than to scare me to the Dickens. But it doesn't, and that's okay because it's a squirell.

Sunday, 20 April 2008


This may sound weird but. I'm pretty sure there's a ghost in my house.I don't know if I should talk about it here, because. I mean. It could be like in Poletergeist. You know?

Saturday, 19 April 2008


In my old house we used to have a bit of a rat problem in the garage. I'm proud to say that I taped a flashlight to my BB gun and would go hunt them when I was bored. I feel kind of bad about killing them in retrospect. They didn't know any better.

Friday, 18 April 2008

The c.

The C. in my name stands for *C*URTIS.
So when I tell people my name. I tell them that its Michael Curtis Warren. Because thats what it is.

Oh, yeah. It is weird that my cousin's name is Curtis. But it's his first name, not his middle name. Curtis was my grandfather's name.

I jjust thought that should be put out there.

Thursday, 17 April 2008


When I was little I used to read Gamepro alot. They would have the best reviews done by cartoons. I think one was a frog man I'm not too sure though.

Gregory used to get Nintendo Power though. He had every issue up until 2002 when Uncle Howie threw them all away.

I think Greg is still upset about that.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Aim 2.

The best screen name I have ever seen was Gregory's when he made GregTheWarof1812. He lost the password for it right after he made it, but it was really great. Everyone should have a screen name like that.

I just thought I should add that.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Nuclear war.

I am really scared about Nuclear war. I know alot a bout it (I took a class about the cold war), so I know what one would be like.

And it would be really, REALLY scary.

Monday, 14 April 2008


You know, while I was eating my oatmeal (heh, I say m'oatmeal out loud), anyway, I was eating m'oatmeal (heh) and I was thinking. Who came up with oatmeal? Did someone's oats just get wet one day and they thought to eat it?

I don't know if I would eat it if I just thought it was wet oats. But I guess that's why I'm not a cook.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Old house.

I didn't always live in the house I live in now. Before I lived in a house not too far away. I still drive by it sometimes and feel kind of weird about someone else being there.

Friday, 11 April 2008


In 8th grade I wrote WP in people's yearbooks. I am not too proud of that now.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


The O's won again. That's just great considering they really aren't very good at baseball.

I hope they keep it up instead of going back to being cruddy like usual.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

High school people.

You know those people in high school that you knew but didn't really? I wonder what happened to all of them?
I hope they don't think that way about me though. Because they werent very cool people to begin with.

Monday, 7 April 2008


I don't like it when a lady uses cusses. It doesn't reflect well on there character. Call me old fashioned, but it can really make a girl look like a jezebelle.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Lord of the rings.

Lord of the Rings is a great bunch of movies. I read the books too, but if I'm bored I'll always watch Return of the King (rather than reading the book).

I like how Gandalf is always shouting.

Friday, 4 April 2008


Earlier I remembered that a while back I saw REO Speedwagon at a naval base. They weren't even all that great, but it was free so I guess that's okay. That's all I remember though.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

The sofa.

There's a big black leather sofa in my room over the garage. Its really nice. My mom doesn't like for people to sit on the leather. I like to bundle up and sleep on it.

One Christmas, my mom found out that Tuffy scratched it up. Brian and I had done a good job of hiding that from her for a while, but she found out. She got so mad.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Max is gay.

Max told me that he was gay today. I just can't believe that.